Oktra’s Annual Workplace Design Report 2018
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Annual workplace report by Oktra 2018
  • Key Stats and Insights from Our Annual Workplace Report 2018

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  • We asked 2000 UK office workers 25 questions on wellbeing, productivity and design in the workplace to gain an insight into how they currently view their workplaces.

    The survey questioned the impact office design has on productivity, wellbeing, and its likelihood to retain and attract staff. We wanted to analyse to what extent employees make judgements based on the design of their workplace, and reveal what their biggest concerns were when it came to wellbeing in the office.

    Our findings are broken down into region, gender, and age. For the purpose of this article we will focus in more detail on the top three trends derived from our research.

  • Wellbeing 

    At Oktra we believe a workplace is not just a place you work in, it’s a place you live in. We were therefore surprised to discover that 79% of employees across the UK believe their employer should do more to improve their surroundings.

    Our research also revealed the lack of connection with nature to be a prevalent concern. Incorporating biophilia within the workplace can resolve this problem by allowing in more greenery. Similar to this, the lack of natural light and uncomfortable furniture were also at the top of the list.

  • the impact of the work environment on your wellbeing
  • Productivity   

    We have witnessed on numerous occasions how the office environment can positively influence productivity levels. When teams feel valued and supported they are more likely to perform to the best of their abilities. According to the results from our survey 94% of people agree they would be more efficient if their work environment was fit for purpose.

    It is important to implement a design that encourages rather than discourages efficiency and motivation.

  • Your office environment can have a positive effect on your productivity levels
  • Generational push

    With millennials representing 40% of the UK workforce our Design Director Nic Pryke believes that Any forward-looking business should take this into account if they want to attract and retain young, talented people – and empower them to be as productive as possible’.

  • millennials impact the latest office design trends
  • As this generation continues to shape the look and feel of today’s workplace, it’s essential to equip your office with the right tools to attract this innovative talent.

    Our research further supports this, revealing that 88% of millennials would be more open to staying with a company for longer if the office environment was appealing. To achieve this does not necessarily mean having to relocate. With the right guidance an office refurbishment can be all that it takes to attract and retain talent.

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