Is Your Office Designed to Work? 5 Ideas to Design the Ideal Office
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  • Is Your Office Designed to Work? 5 Design Ideas to Create the Ideal Office

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  • The way your office works to support your business is paramount to an efficient and successful company.

    You pay a lot to rent your space so it’s important that each square foot is utilised to the max. Consider the purpose behind each section in your office – is there enough opportunity for a variation in working practices? Can the right balance between work and relaxation be supported?

  • designed-to-work-video_3840x1414_acf_cropped
  • 1. Focus

    Everyone needs a place they can go to spend some quality time away from the crowd. With open plan layouts allowing instant accessibility to all however, this can cause some difficulty.


  • Designed for focus:

    Quiet zones / Desks / Private booths

  • It is important to nurture the tasks that depend on concentration and privacy in the office. On average, employees spend 28% of their day managing and recovering from unnecessary interruptions. For this work style there is little room for flexibility; when you need absolute quiet and focus there can be no exception for disruptions or background noise.

    Small quiet zones or private booths can provide support for those who need to take some time out to concentrate on the task at hand.

  • 2. Connect

    How you greet clients, visitors or even other team members around your space has a direct impact on your company’s image. Reception areas or client-facing meeting rooms can be an integral asset to how you showcase your business to others.


  • Built to connect:

    Reception areas / Meeting rooms / Agile areas

  • With team members, the interactions they have with each other on a daily basis are fundamental to a first-rate communication system. 97% of employees believe that the outcome of a project is influenced by a lack of proper interaction and communication. To overcome this, simple measures like including an adequate number of ‘connection points’ can make a huge difference; moments to catch up, confer and debate are what drives a business forward.

  • 3. Collaborate

    With the decline in cellular workspaces and private offices, the open plan space is dominating the way businesses function. The trend to include more collaborative, open plan areas in office design is at its peak.


  • Designed for collaboration:

    Meeting rooms / Benches / Meeting booths

  • Designated meeting points or discussion areas are built to connect and share the ideas that form your business strategy. These spaces are invaluable for creating an environment that supports and nurtures idea sharing and communication between individuals.

  • 4. Refresh

    Your time away from your workstation is valuable – it’s the time you need to recuperate, revitalise and refresh yourself, ready to start work again.


  • Built to refresh:

    Teapoints / Breakout space

  • The perception of the workspace changing with the steady flow of Millennials; there is an increase in demand for more original, unconventional areas in the office. Breakout spaces are fast becoming the trend as rest bites away from desks. These parts of the office can be a considerable boost for company culture and keeping employees energised around the office.

  • 5. Grow

    Looking at your office now, it may appear to fulfil your requirements but what about in a year’s time? What about in five years’ time? Depending on when your lease ends you may have to consider how you will manage your office when you expand. Under-utilised areas are costly as you are sacrificing space that could be supporting your team. The best way to combat this is to evaluate how you use the space: what is working? What isn’t?

  • Designed to grow

    evaluate how you use the space

  • Our workplace consultancy investigates how your business functions and works out the best way to enhance your space to develop your strategy of work. This could be as simple as rearranging the desks in your office to improve the way different teams communicate, simultaneously utilising the space desks occupy.

    Your business is on a journey and so is your office. If you have undergone a significant amount of change recently then consider that your office might need to adapt in order to keep up to speed.

    Is your office designed to work?

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