What is Wellbeing in the Workplace? | Oktra
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  • What is Wellbeing in the Workplace?

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  • Wellbeing means the state of being healthy, comfortable and happy.

    In the workplace, this is no different and to continue to drive the best performance levels, employers must seek to boost wellbeing any way possible.

  • Why is wellbeing important in the workplace?

    Workplace wellbeing is the very essence of a functional office. Both physical and mental health are the products of wellbeing and can be severely affected by the environment and culture of an office. Successful businesses need to support and enhance the wellbeing of their workers in order to maximise productivity and motivation, but also to generate the best quality work from their team.

    Office hours can range between 7-12 hours, with the majority of that time spent indoors. The office environment and culture can therefore be significant tools in reducing stress.

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  • Investment in wellbeing can:

    •  Reduce absenteeism and presenteeism
    •  Increase productivity
    •  Lower costs
    •  Increase sustainability
    •  Improve relationships
    •  Increase morale
    •  Enhance company culture
    •  Improve employee retention
    •  Attract top talent
    •  Improve quality of work

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  • How can you improve wellbeing in your workplace?

    There are many steps that can be taken to improve wellbeing in your office – some are surprisingly simple and cost effective:

  • What is the future of workplace wellbeing?

    Wellbeing is set to rise as a trend in the workplace, with more employers appreciating the benefits of higher morale and its positive effect on productivity.

    In the near future of wellbeing, we could see more remote working strategies taking place to allow team members to work with more flexibility. Companies that focus on performance over presence will reap better rewards from their employees, putting greater trust in their ability and organisation skills.

    Workplace design may also develop to accommodate practices for enhanced wellbeing. Sleep pods and meditation and nap rooms are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace, providing opportunities to escape the working environment and return once refreshed. Nearly a third of UK office workers said they would use a sleep pod if they had one in their office.

    Wellbeing should be considered in the top three considerations of a business alongside clients and profitability. Employers should be focussed on creating a workplace that supports their team and promotes wellbeing throughout the space.

  • Worried about wellbeing in your workplace? Get in touch with us to discuss your options.

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