How to Create the Best Office Layout for Your Business | Oktra
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  • How to Create the Best Office Layout for Your Business

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  • The layout of your office can affect how your business functions on a day-to-day basis and encourages a certain working dynamic.

    Your business practice will often dictate the way in which your teams work, so providing the right layout for them to prosper in their activities is essential.

  • Open Plan

    This layout is becoming the preferred setting of an increasing number of businesses due to the more sociable and communicative environment created. Teamwork and collaboration are encouraged which is a benefit to all business types but most especially more creative industries will profit from increased idea sharing and cross pollination.

    Open plan offices can also work advantageously to save on space, further reducing square footage costs and cutting expenditure on lighting and heating. The plan also offers the flexibility to shuffle the arrangement of the furniture to suit the current needs of the business. This is particularly useful for moving teams around to allow for improved working methods and also when the time comes for an office refresh.

    Cellular / Private

    Less common but by no means less important, the cellular office grants more privacy to businesses handling confidential data and information. Law and financial offices may find this layout more practical for their business requirements. Quiet, focused work rules here, with less of the buzzing atmosphere that often accompanies the open plan.

  • Do you have the best layout for your business?

    Arrange a chat with one of our workplace experts to find out.

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